
Emma Barnes is a highly-regarded young singer and choral conductor in Chichester.

She has just completed studying a BMus (Hons) Vocal Performance degree at the University of Chichester, finishing with a 2:1 at one of the largest specialist music departments in the country.

She also is known locally as a choral conductor, conducting 5 choirs in West Sussex.

Emma is available for weddings, concerts and charity events. Please contact her to check availability.

Emma's Latest News

September 2016
  • Started working as the West Sussex Community Choirs UK Director
August 2016
  •  Obtain a (predicted) 2:1 BMus Vocal Performance (Hons) from the University of Chichester
  • Sung for the beautiful wedding of Mr & Mrs Darlow! Congratulations!! x
July 2016
  • Choir concerts helped raise over £1500 for local charities
June 2016
  • Toured to Vienna with the University Chamber Choir, as a Soprano and a conductor!
May 2016
  •  Finished my BMus Vocal Performance at the University of Chichester
January 2016
  • Had the final conducting weekend as an SfP Young Conducting Scholar - thank you Sing For Pleasure!
October 2015
  • Toured to Venice as a Soprano to sing Gilbert and Sullivan selections